Why Are My Tamales Taking So Long To Cook? | Livings Cented (2024)

If you’re wondering why your tamales are taking so long to cook, there are a few things that could be the culprit. First, make sure that you’re using fresh masa. If the masa is old or has been sitting in the fridge for awhile, it will take longer to cook.

Second, be sure to use enough water when cooking the tamales. The water should come up to about an inch below the top of the tamales. If you don’t use enough water, the tamales will dry out and take longer to cook.

Finally, be patient! Tamales can take a long time to cook, especially if you’re making a large batch. So, put on a pot of coffee and wait for those tamales to be done!

If you’re wondering why your tamales are taking so long to cook, there are a few possible reasons. First, make sure that you’re using fresh masa (corn dough). If the masa is old, it will take longer to cook.

Second, the size of the tamales can affect cooking time. If your tamales are on the larger side, they will take longer to cook through. Finally, be sure to check the internal temperature of the tamales before taking them out of the steamer.

They should be cooked through to at least 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

How long to steam raw tamales

When it comes to steaming tamales, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The cooking time will vary depending on the size and type of tamale you are steaming. For smaller, traditional tamales, you will need to steam for about 60 minutes.

For larger, Tex-Mex style tamales, the cooking time will be closer to 90 minutes. No matter what type of tamale you are steaming, be sure to check on it periodically to make sure it is cooked through. The best way to do this is to insert a toothpick into the center of the tamale.

If it comes out clean, the tamale is done. If not, continue steaming until it is cooked through.

Why are my tamales soggy

If you’ve ever made tamales, you know that the masa (dough) is key to getting the perfect consistency. If your tamales are coming out soggy, it’s likely because the masa is too wet. Here are a few tips to avoid this problem:

– Use a good quality masa harina. Not all brands are created equal, so do some research and find one that works well for you. – Don’t over-mix the masa.

Mix it just until it comes together – too much mixing will make it tough. – Be careful not to add too much liquid when making the masa. The dough should be moist but not wet.

– When steaming the tamales, make sure the water is at a rolling boil before adding the tamales. Then, cover the pot tightly so that no steam escapes. Follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to perfect tamales!

How to tell if tamales are done

When it comes to tamales, there is no one-size-fits-all answer for determining when they are done. The cooking time will vary depending on the type of masa (dough) used, the fillings, and the size of the tamales. However, there are a few general tips you can follow to help you know when your tamales are ready to eat.

One way to tell if tamales are done is to insert a toothpick into the center of one. If the toothpick comes out clean, the tamales are ready. Another way to tell is to gently press on the tamales.

If they give slightly under the pressure, they are done. If you are unsure, it is better to err on the side of caution and cook the tamales for a few minutes longer. Tamales are best when they are moist and tender, so you don’t want to overcook them.

Once the tamales are done, you can let them cool slightly before serving. Or, if you are in a hurry, you can unwrap them and eat them right away. Enjoy!

How to fix mushy tamales

If your tamales are coming out mushy, there are a few things you can do to try to fix the problem. First, make sure you’re using fresh masa. Old masa can make for mushy tamales.

Second, be sure to add enough fat to the masa. This will help to bind the ingredients together and create a firmer tamale. Third, make sure you’re not overcooking the tamales.

They should be cooked just until the masa is set, not longer. If you follow these tips, you should be able to fix your mushy tamale problem.

How long to boil tamales in foil

Most people believe that tamales need to be boiled for hours in order to be properly cooked. However, this is not the case! Tamales can actually be boiled in foil for a fraction of the time, and they will come out just as delicious.

Here is a guide on how long to boil tamales in foil so that you can enjoy this delicious dish without spending hours in the kitchen. Tamales are a traditional Mexican dish that consists of corn dough that is filled with various meats, cheeses, or vegetables. They are then wrapped in corn husks or banana leaves and boiled.

Tamales are typically served with salsa, sour cream, or guacamole. The cooking time for tamales will vary depending on the size and type of tamale. However, most tamales can be boiled in foil for about 30 minutes.

After the tamales have been boiling for 30 minutes, you can then remove them from the foil and finish cooking them on a grill or in the oven. Tamales are a delicious and easy to make dish that can be enjoyed by everyone. By boiling tamales in foil, you can save yourself a lot of time in the kitchen.

So the next time you’re craving tamales, remember that you don’t need to spend hours boiling them, 30 minutes in foil will do the trick!

How do you fix undercooked tamales?

If you find that your tamales are undercooked, there are a few things that you can do in order to fix them. First, you can try steaming them for a longer period of time. If that doesn’t work, then you can try microwaving them for a minute or two.

Finally, if all else fails, you can always try to pan-fry them until they are cooked through.

How long do tamales take to cook?

Tamales are a traditional Mexican dish made from corn masa dough that is filled with various meats, cheeses, or vegetables, and then wrapped in a corn husk or banana leaf before being steamed or boiled. Depending on the size and filling of the tamales, they can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours to cook through. To ensure your tamales are cooked through, insert a toothpick or skewer into the center of the tamale.

If it comes out clean, the tamale is done. You can also check the internal temperature of the tamale with a food thermometer, which should read 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

What happens if you cook tamales too long?

If you cook tamales for too long, they will become dry and tough. The ideal cooking time for tamales is 20-30 minutes. If you cook them for longer than that, they will begin to lose their moisture and become chewy.

How do you know if you overcook tamales?

The best way to tell if you’ve overcooked your tamales is to insert a toothpick into the center of one. If the toothpick comes out clean, then the tamales are cooked through. If the toothpick comes out with batter or filling on it, then the tamales need to be cooked for a few minutes longer.



If you’re wondering why your tamales are taking so long to cook, there are a few things that could be the culprit. First, make sure that you’re using fresh masa. Old masa can make tamales dry and tough.

Second, be sure to steam the tamales for the full amount of time. If you don’t steam them long enough, they won’t be cooked through. Finally, make sure that your pot of water is hot enough.

If it’s not, the tamales won’t cook properly. With these tips in mind, you should be able to get perfectly cooked tamales every time!

Why Are My Tamales Taking So Long To Cook? | Livings Cented (2024)


Why Are My Tamales Taking So Long To Cook? | Livings Cented? ›

If your tamales take so long to cook, they are not fully submerged, the water is not boiling, or they're too overcrowded. Consider these factors as you cook tamales to ensure they are done. Don't steam tamales for too long. Overcooked tamales are soggy.

How long does it take for tamales to be fully cooked? ›

With the right ingredients, methods and time, delicious tamales can be yours! When preparing your tamales, make sure to check how long they take to cook according to their size and kind. They will usually take between 25-40 minutes for fresh ones, or up to 6 hours when cooking from frozen.

How do you know if tamales are undercooked? ›

If the masa sticks after 3 minutes, then it's not ready. Carefully fold and return to pot. Cook 5 minutes longer, then re-test. If husk is easily removed, tamales are fully cooked!

How long does it take to steam 7 dozen tamales? ›

Final Thoughts. If you are cooking tamales from scratch, it will take almost 2 hours for them to fully steam. Test them to see whether the dough is fully cooked, and the filling has reached the correct temperature, and then allow them to stand for a few minutes before serving to let the flavors develop.

What is a common mistake when making tamales? ›

Arrange your tamales properly

Another common mistake when making tamales is arranging them in the wrong way since they must be placed horizontally so that more of them can fit into the pot and cook evenly. However, they must not be too tight, or else they will flatten.

Why are my tamales taking so long? ›

If your tamales take so long to cook, they are not fully submerged, the water is not boiling, or they're too overcrowded. Consider these factors as you cook tamales to ensure they are done. Don't steam tamales for too long. Overcooked tamales are soggy.

How long to cook tamales at 350? ›

Cooking tamales in an oven is a great way to ensure they are cooked evenly and come out with a delicious flavor. To begin, preheat your oven to 350°F (176°C). Then, place the wrapped tamales on a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment paper and bake for 30 minutes.


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